RAM Concept Help

Importing a database

You can import from the RAM Structural System at anytime. An import overwrites some or all previously imported time. An import overwrites some or all previously imported data, and may overwrite information you have directly input to RAM Concept .
Note: RAM Concept may not be able to import data correctly if the RSS file does not pass the "Data Check" operation in the RAM Modeler module. It is strongly recommended that your RSS file have no errors before attempting to import it into RAM Concept .
  1. Select the RAM Structural System file to import:
    1. Select File > Import RAM Structural System.
    2. If there is no open RAM Concept file the Open RAM Structural System Database dialog opens. Browse and select a RSS database (. RSS) file and click OK. When a valid RSS database file is selected, the RAM Structural System Import dialog opens. The RSS filename selected appears after File: at the top of the window.
    3. (Optional) Click Browse at the top of the dialog to select a different file with the file browser.
    Note: If you select a file with a version prior to 9.0, an error will be displayed and you will be returned to the file browser. Clicking the Cancel button cancels the import operation.
    Note: If you are using RSS version 9, select RSS database files with the .RAM extension.

    RSS import dialog box

  2. Select the story label from the Choose story drop-down list and then select the Slab Type.
  3. Select the RSS Structure options to import:, select the structural members from the check boxes.
    1. Check the individual structure elements (e.g., Slab/Mat Areas, Beams, etc.) to import for the selected story.
      Note: For Mat Foundations, the Columns Below Slab, Walls Below Slab, Beams and Openings and Penetrations objects are disabled.
    2. (Optional) Select the Use RAM Structural System crack factors for member stiffness if you want to use the cracked factors of the imported members as calculated by RSS. If this option is not selected, then the crack factors for slab areas, beams, and columns are set to 1.0. When this option is selected, the stiffness values are set according to the following table.
      Object Concept RAM Structural System
      Slab kMr, kMs, kMrs Bending Cracked Factor
      kFr, kFs, kVrs Diaphragm Cracked Factor
      Beam kMs Cracked Factor
      kMrs Torsion Factor
      kFr Axial Factor
      kMr, kFs, kVrs 1.0
      Column IFactor Axial Factor
  4. Select the load types to import from the check boxes in the Loading group.
    Note: For Mat Foundations, the Direct Gravity Loads option is disabled.
  5. Click OK. After an RSS file is imported, the RAM Import Status opens with a summary and any warnings.

Example of an import summary with warnings

The RSS geometry definitions and loads are now imported into RAM Concept .

You can now generate the finite element mesh. See Generating the Mesh .

Note: If you are re-importing, there could be additional dialogs that appear with more warnings.
Note: Importing lateral analysis loads from RSS models which contain a large number of lateral load cases will cause RAM Concept to create a corresponding large number of load combinations. This will result in sluggish performance in RAM Concept .