Promis.e Help

To Manipulate a 3D Constrained Geometry

  1. Select the Manipulate 3D Constrained Geometry tool (Drawing > Constraints > 3D ).

    The tool setting window opens.

  2. Select the Mode of the manipulation from the tool setting window.
  3. Do one of the following based on the Mode selected:

    For Rotate, Enter a data point to define the point about which the geometry is rotated and then enter a second data point to reposition the geometry.


    For Translate, Select a snap point on the geometry to move the image from and then enter a second data point to reposition the image.

    Note: Unlike other move and rotate manipulation tools, this tool will respect the constraints applied to the geometry.

    Left: The constrained element is manipulated in a rotary path / Right: The element is manipulated along a translatory path. In both cases the manipulations take place with respect to the applied constraints.