ProjectWise Project Insights Help

Submittal to do tab

The Submittals to do tab has charts that show whether any pending acknowledgements or responses for submittals are overdue or not.

  • Submittals to acknowledge - Shows how many pending submittal acknowledgements are overdue, and how many are not overdue.
  • Submittals to acknowledge by due date - Groups pending submittal acknowledgements by how early they are (how many are due in less than 1 week, less than 3 weeks, less than 5 weeks, more than 5 weeks) and how overdue they are (how many are overdue less than 1 week, less than 3 weeks, less than 5 weeks, more than 5 weeks).
  • Submittals to respond - Shows how many pending submittal responses are overdue, and how many are not overdue.
  • Submittals to respond by due date - Groups pending submittal responses by how early they are (how many are due in less than 1 week, less than 3 weeks, less than 5 weeks, more than 5 weeks) and how overdue they are (how many are overdue less than 1 week, less than 3 weeks, less than 5 weeks, more than 5 weeks).