Managed Configuration Setup Guide

Step 3 - Create Configuration Settings Blocks

Once you have imported your configuration and upgraded the WorkSpace and WorkSet folders to projects, the next step is to create your configuration settings blocks (CSBs) for MicroStation in ProjectWise Administrator.

In this section, you will create the following CSBs:

  • a Predefined level CSB called MSta_CE_Configuration_Root
  • a WorkSpace level CSB called MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceName
  • a WorkSet level CSB called MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSetName
  • a Global level CSB called MSta_CE_Global_Config_Variables

Create a Predefined level CSB called MSta_CE_Configuration_Root

  1. In ProjectWise Administrator, expand WorkSpaces > Managed.
  2. Right-click the Predefined level and select New > Configuration Block.

    The New Configuration Block Properties dialog opens.

  3. On the General tab, do the following:
    1. Set Name to MSta_CE_Configuration_Root
    2. Set Description to MicroStation CONNECT Edition Configuration Root
    3. Click Apply.

    The Properties dialog title changes to MSta_CE_Configuration_Root Properties.

    Next, add a configuration variable to this CSB called _USTN_CONFIGURATION that defines the location of the folder in ProjectWise that contains the entire managed configuration.

  4. On the Configuration tab, click the Add (+) button and select Add Variable.

  5. In the New Variable dialog, do the following:
    1. Set Name to _USTN_CONFIGURATION
    2. Set Description to MSta CE PW Configuration (_USTN_CONFIGURATION)
    3. Turn on Locked.
    4. Click Add.
    5. In the Edit Value dialog, do the following:
      • Set Operation type to '=' - Assignment
      • Set Value type to ProjectWise Folder
      • Set Value to pw:\\<server>:<datasource>\Documents\MSta CE Configuration Data

        (click Browse (...) to select this folder)

      • Click OK.

      The new value is added to the Values list on the New Variable dialog.

    6. Click OK on the New Variable dialog.

    The new variable definition is added to the Configuration tab.

  6. Click OK on the MSta_CE_Configuration_Root Properties dialog.

Create a WorkSpace level CSB called MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceName

This CSB will make the connection between the CSB and the ProjectWise workspace.

  1. In ProjectWise Administrator, expand WorkSpaces > Managed.
  2. Right-click the WorkSpace level and select New > Configuration Block.

    The New Configuration Block Properties dialog opens.

  3. On the General tab, do the following:
    1. Set Name to MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceName
    2. Set Description to MicroStation CONNECT Edition Dynamic WorkSpaces
    3. Click Apply.

    The Properties dialog title changes to MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceName Properties.

    Next, add a configuration variable to this CSB called _USTN_WORKSPACENAME. This variable sets the name of the active WorkSpace configuration. MicroStation will look for the $(_USTN_WORKSPACENAME).cfg file in the folder defined by the variable _USTN_WORKSPACESROOT. The default location for the _USTN_WORKSPACESROOT is $(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)WorkSpaces/.

  4. On the Configuration tab, click the Add (+) button and select Add Variable.

  5. In the New Variable dialog, do the following:
    1. Set Name to _USTN_WORKSPACENAME
    2. Set Description to Define Dynamic WORKSPACENAME Variable (_USTN_WORKSPACENAME)
    3. Turn on Locked.
    4. Click Add.
    5. In the Edit Value dialog, do the following:
      • Set Operation type to '=' - Assignment
      • Set Value type to String
      • Set Value to $(lastdirpiece (dms_parentproject (_dgndir)))
      • Click OK.

      The new value is added to the Values list on the New Variable dialog.

    6. Click OK on the New Variable dialog.

    The new variable definition is added to the Configuration tab.

  6. Click OK to save changes and close the MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceName Properties dialog.

Create a WorkSet level CSB called MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSetName

This CSB will make the connection between the CSB and the ProjectWise WorkSet.

  1. In ProjectWise Administrator, expand WorkSpaces > Managed.
  2. Right-click the WorkSet/Project level and select New > Configuration Block.

    The New Configuration Block Properties dialog opens.

  3. On the General tab, do the following:
    1. Set Name to MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSetName
    2. Set Description to MicroStation CONNECT Edition Dynamic WorkSets
    3. Click Apply.

    The dialog title changes to MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSetName Properties.

    Next, add a configuration variable to this CSB called _USTN_WORKSETNAME.

  4. On the Configuration tab, click the Add (+) button and select Add Variable.

  5. In the New Variable dialog, do the following:
    1. Set Name to _USTN_WORKSETNAME
    2. Set Description to Define Dynamic WORKSETNAME Variable (_USTN_WORKSETNAME)
    3. Turn on Locked.
    4. Click Add.
    5. In the Edit Value dialog, do the following:
      • Set Operation type to '=' - Assignment
      • Set Value type to String
      • Set Value to $(lastdirpiece (dms_project (_dgndir)))
      • Click OK.

      The new value is added to the Values list on the New Variable dialog.

    6. Click OK on the New Variable dialog.

    The new variable definition is added to the Configuration tab.

  6. Click OK to save changes and close the MSta_CE_Dynamic_WorkSpaceName Properties dialog.
Note: The configuration variable dms_project(_DGNDIR) resolves the directory path to the first ProjectWise project it encounters as it traverses backwards through the directories. This could resolve to a subproject, or to a single parent project with no subprojects. The configuration variable dms_parentproject(_DGNDIR) resolves the directory path to only the parent ProjectWise project.
Note: The configuration variable LastDirPiece (dms_project(_DGNDIR)) resolves the project name based on the directory path to the first ProjectWise project it encounters as it traverses backwards through the directories. This project name may be required or used in other CSB's.

Create a Global level CSB called MSta_CE_Global_Config_Variables

  1. In ProjectWise Administrator, expand WorkSpaces > Managed.
  2. Right-click the Global level and select New > Configuration Block.

    The New Configuration Block Properties dialog opens.

  3. On the General tab, do the following:
    1. Set Name to MSta_Global_Config_Variables
    2. Set Description to MicroStation CONNECT Edition Global Configuration Variables
    3. Click Apply.

    The dialog title changes to MSta_Global_Config_Variables Properties.

    Next, add a configuration variable to this CSB called _USTN_DISPLAYALLCFGVARS. This variable displays all system level configuration variables and is useful for administrators during testing and debugging.

  4. On the Configuration tab, click the Add (+) button and select Add Variable.

  5. In the New Variable dialog, do the following:
    2. Set Description to Display All Configuration Variables (_USTN_DISPLAYALLCFGVARS)
    3. Turn on Locked.
    4. Click Add.
    5. In the Edit Value dialog, do the following:
      • Set Operation type to '=' - Assignment
      • Set Value type to String
      • Set Value to 1
      • Click OK.

      The new value is added to the Values list on the New Variable dialog.

    6. Click OK on the New Variable dialog.

    The new variable definition is added to the Configuration tab.

  6. Click OK to save and close the MSta_Global_Config_Variables Properties dialog.