ProjectWise Implementation

Importing the ProjectWise Example Dataset

The ProjectWise Administrator installer can install the ProjectWise Example Dataset, an optional dataset that lets you quickly and easily set up a test datasource.

The example dataset includes:

  • an example datasource template file
  • an example attribute exchange rules file
  • a generic workflow rules engine template

Installing the example dataset installs files to:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise\Example Datasets\Example Template Datasource Map.pdf
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise\Example Datasets\Example Template
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise\Example Datasets\Rules Engine

To use any of these items, you must install them first, and then import them into your datasource. The way in which you import and set up these items depends on the item. See below.

General Steps for Importing the Example Datasource Template

  1. Install ProjectWise Administrator with the ProjectWise Example Dataset option turned on.
  2. Create a datasource.
  3. Either import the example datasource template (Example Template.aam) using the Data Import Wizard that opens at the end of datasource creation, or import it later using the ProjectWise Import Wizard (this is a different wizard).

General Steps for Importing the Example Attribute Exchange Rules

  1. Install ProjectWise Administrator with the ProjectWise Example Dataset option turned on.
  2. Create a datasource.
  3. Either import the example attribute exchange rules file (Example Attribute Exchange Rules.ini) using the Data Import Wizard that opens at the end of datasource creation, or import it later through the Attribute Exchange Rules node in ProjectWise Administrator.

General Steps for Importing the Generic Workflow Rules Engine Template

  1. Install ProjectWise Administrator with the ProjectWise Example Dataset option turned on.
  2. Create a datasource.
  3. Import the workflow rules engine template (RulesEngineTemplate.aam) using the ProjectWise Import Wizard.
  4. Export the workflow rules file (example_rules.xlsx) out of ProjectWise Explorer to a local folder.
  5. Import example_rules.xlsx through the Rules Engine node in ProjectWise Administrator.