ProjectWise Implementation

Converting Database Table Structure Using DMSCONV.EXE

Use the DMSCONV.EXE command line utility (DMSCONV for short) to update your existing ProjectWise database schema to the current version.

Important: If you are using Analytical Data Upload Service, remove ADUS configuration before running DMSCONV.EXE, and then apply the configuration again, after the conversion.
  1. Before you start, update the database statistics to maximize database performance (consult your database's documentation).
  2. Stop the ProjectWise Integration Server in the local Services window.
  3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the ...\ProjectWise\bin directory.
  4. (Optional) Before converting the database, type DMSCONV and press <Enter>. This displays a list of options you can use with DMSCONV.
  5. To update the database schema, enter:
    DMSCONV -d ODBC_datasourcename -u ODBC_username -p ODBC_password

    This is the basic DMSCONV command, which is used to update the database schema. You can add switches to the command as necessary, depending on what else you want DMSCONV to do, as described in the following steps.

  6. To also control how document MIME type information in the database will be updated, you can add one of the following switches to the DMSCONV command:
    Switch Description
    -mime This will automatically perform the MIME type update.

    For example:

    DMSCONV -d ODBC_datasourcename -u ODBC_username -p ODBC_password -mime
    -nomime This will automatically skip the MIME type update for all MIME types.

    For example:

    DMSCONV -d ODBC_datasourcename -u ODBC_username -p ODBC_password -nomime
    -skipmime Used in conjunction with the -mime switch, this will automatically skip the MIME type update for the specified extensions.

    For example:

    DMSCONV -d ODBC_datasourcename -u ODBC_username -p ODBC_password -mime -skipmime "*.doc;*.xls;*.ppt"
    Note: You can also run DMSCONV without entering any of the above MIME switches; if you do, you will be prompted to update document MIME type information after the database structure is upgraded. While a document MIME type update is required for proper functioning of ProjectWise, this step may be deferred until later. If you use the -nomime switch during the database upgrade, or if you do not enter any MIME switch and you select to skip the MIME type update when prompted, make sure you perform a MIME type update soon after upgrading the datasource, and before putting the datasource into production. (Consult ISOC RFC 2046 for more information about MIME types.)
  7. (Optional) The -notransaction switch is for SQL Server upgrades, and should only be used when absolutely necessary. Using this option will disable the use of upgrade transactions. This may speed up the upgrade and reduce transaction log usage, but is riskier because any failure will require restoring your database from backup. Consult with Bentley Professional Services before using this option.
  8. (Optional) The -force-cursor-sharing switch is for Oracle upgrades, and should only be used when absolutely necessary. This option was added to increase database performance in certain configurations. Consult with Bentley Professional Services before using this option.
  9. (Optional) The -nosatellites switch is for skipping the creation of sets in the database for existing raster files and their sister files, and also various ESRI files (including shapefiles (SHP)) and their related files.
  10. (Optional) DMSCONV also provides the capability to import application association settings into the updated datasource. Default application association settings are delivered in the APPINFO.XML file located in the ...\ProjectWise\bin directory, but you can define and import your own custom application association settings if necessary. There are several command line switches that control the import of these application association settings:
    Switch Description
    -app This imports the application association settings in the delivered appinfo.xml file.

    For example:

    DMSCONV -d ODBC_datasourcename -u ODBC_username -p ODBC_password -app

    You can import the appinfo.xml file as is, or edit the application association settings in the file first, as needed, and then run DMSCONV.

    -appfile <path_to_and_name_of_xml_file> This imports the XML file of your choice. Use this option if you have created your own XML file with custom application association settings.

    For example:

    DMSCONV -d ODBC_datasourcename -u ODBC_username -p ODBC_password -appfile C:\import\myappsettings.xml
    -appext=<0,1> This is used in conjunction with either -app or -appfile to control whether or not any previously defined application extensions will be remapped to new applications set in the XML file being imported. Enter a value of 1 after the = character, if you want extensions remapped; enter 0 if you do not want extensions remapped.

    For example:

    DMSCONV -d ODBC_datasourcename -u ODBC_username -p ODBC_password -app -appext=1

    The above example imports the application association settings from the delivered appinfo.xml file and remaps any existing extension associations in the datasource to the extension associations defined in appinfo.xml.

    Note: You are not required to import application association settings at the same time you are upgrading the database table structure. If you prefer, you can first run DMSCONV without any of the -app switches to only upgrade the database table structure, and then run DMSCONV again with the appropriate -app switches to import the necessary application association settings.
  11. Start the ProjectWise Integration Server in the Services window.
  12. Open ProjectWise Administrator, recreate the datasource entry for the converted database, then log into this new datasource — you will be prompted to complete the datasource conversion. This step is required before you can log into the datasource using the current version of ProjectWise Explorer.
  13. Test the operation of the new ProjectWise production environment to ensure that all functionality is operating normally.
  14. If you delayed updating the MIME type information, use DMSCONV to update them now (see step 6 for details).
  15. Conduct a complete backup of converted database and also a complete server backup of the new ProjectWise system to serve as a baseline recovery.
CAUTION: If the conversion of your database should fail for some reason, do not run DMSCONV on it a second time, as this can cause further corruption of the database. Instead, after you have determined the cause of the failure and found a solution, you will need to start the DMSCONV process over, using a fresh backup copy of your database.