ProjectWise Implementation

Setting Up a Test Environment

Before you upgrade your production environment to the current version, it is recommended that you first set up and run the current version in a test environment. To do so, you can use the same instructions to upgrade your database and datasource as described in the section, Upgrading to the Current Version, with the following exceptions:

  1. Make a copy of your current ProjectWise database, to be used in the upgrade test. Use your database's standard backup and restoration tools to do this.
  2. When setting up your test environment, install the new versions of the ProjectWise software on a dedicated server or servers, and NOT on any of your production servers. Consider using virtual servers for your test environment.
  3. Make a copy of your current ProjectWise storage area(s), to be used for your test datasource. Next, open your database, and open the dms_stor table for write. There will be one row in this table for each storage area used by the datasource. For each storage area row, change the value in the o_node column to be the computer name (or IP Address if that is how you are configured) of the computer you copied the storage area to, then change the value in the o_path column to be the path to the specific storage area folder on that computer.
CAUTION: If the conversion of your database should fail for some reason, do not run DMSCONV on it a second time, as this can cause further corruption of the database. Instead, after you have determined the cause of the failure and found a solution, you will need to start the DMSCONV process over, using a fresh backup copy of your database.