ProjectWise Implementation

Before You Install or Upgrade ProjectWise Caching Server

  1. See the ProjectWise readme for a list of supported operating systems and other system requirements.
  2. Make sure the latest Windows updates have been installed.
  3. Make sure that the computers on which you install ProjectWise Integration Server and all ProjectWise Caching Servers have their clocks synchronized with the time of an authoritative computer. If the clocks are not properly synchronized, then any tokens issued by ProjectWise Integration Server may expire prematurely when a user attempts to check out a document, causing the operation to fail. See the following Microsoft article for details:
  4. ProjectWise Caching Server cannot be installed on a computer on which ProjectWise Integration Server or ProjectWise Gateway Service is already installed.
  5. If a previous version of ProjectWise Caching Server is installed, uninstall it now.