ProjectWise Implementation

Configuring the Example Datasource Template

The example datasource template is useful if you need to quickly setup a new datasource for testing and demonstration purposes.

The easiest way to import the example datasource template, along with the corresponding example attribute exchange rules file, is through the Data Import Wizard that opens at the end of the datasource creation process.

If you do not use the Data Import Wizard to import these items, you can import them into your datasource later. To import the example datasource template later (after datasource creation), use the ProjectWise Import Wizard (PWIMPT.EXE). Through this import wizard you can select which items from the example template you want to import. It is not necessary to choose every option when using the import wizard; however, to use every feature of the example template, all options should be selected. Because the ProjectWise Import Wizard does not import the example attribute exchange rules file, you will need to import this separately (right-click the Attribute Exchange Rules node in ProjectWise Administrator and select Import Mappings).

Tip: Installing the example dataset also installs a document called Example Template Datasource Map.pdf that describes the example dataset and where to find things in ProjectWise Explorer once the example datasource template has been imported. To review this document, it is installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise\Example Datasets.