ProjectWise Explorer Help

To search for documents using spatial criteria

  1. Select File > Open.

    ProjectWise's Open dialog opens.

  2. Click the Search icon.

    The Define Search dialog opens.

  3. In the Define Search dialog, select Spatial in the Criterion Type list, and Spatial Location in the Property/Environment list.
  4. Click the browse button (...).

    The Edit Geometry dialog opens.

  5. Do one of the following:

    If the active file in MicroStation is a ProjectWise document that has a spatial location and a fence is defined in MicroStation at the time the ProjectWise File Open dialog opens, the Use MicroStation Fence option is available. Turn it on to use the current MicroStation fence’s extent as the search area criterion.


    If no fence is defined in MicroStation at the time the ProjectWise File Open dialog opens, then this option is disabled. In this case, use the available editing tools to define the area to be used as the search criterion.


    If the active file in MicroStation does not have a spatial location in ProjectWise, the option is disabled.

  6. Once the area is defined, click OK to dismiss the Edit Geometry dialog.
  7. In the Define Search dialog, click the Add Criteria button, then click OK to launch the search operation.

    When the search is executed, all documents whose spatial location intersects the specified area will be retrieved.