ProjectWise Explorer Help

Docking and Un-docking the Dependency Viewer Tab

When the Dependency Viewer extension is installed, the Dependency Viewer tab is docked in the Preview Pane by default.

To un-dock the Dependency Viewer tab, so that it becomes a floating, resizable window, independent of the ProjectWise Explorer application window, click the Settings icon in the toolbar and then select Window Position > Floating.

To re-dock the Dependency Viewer tab in the Preview Pane, click the Settings icon and then select Window Position > Docked, or simply close the floating Dependency Viewer window.

Note: If the Dependency Viewer window is in the floating position when you close ProjectWise Explorer, the Dependency Viewer window will also close. When you next reopen ProjectWise Explorer, the Dependency Viewer tab will be docked again in the Preview Pane.