ProjectWise Explorer Help

Load Spatial Location File

The Load Spatial Location File tool guides you through the process of importing the content of a Spatial Location File into ProjectWise. Specifically, it is used to automatically associate document and/or folder geometries contained in a Spatial Location File (SLF) with their corresponding ProjectWise documents or folders.

The Spatial Location File is a file created in MicroStation using the Spatial Location File Creation tool. For information, refer to section titled Spatial Location File Creation tool.

CAUTION: To assign a spatial location to a folder or document using the Load Spatial Location File tool, you must have Write privileges to the folder or document in question.

When reading the Spatial Location File and processing each of the Spatial Location File objects in the file, the import tool will look in the target folder for a corresponding object. Depending on the object type it will do the following:

  • If the Spatial Location File object is a document, the import tool will look for a document with the same name in the target folder. It will only look in the target folder, that is to say it will not look for a matching document in any of the target folder’s subfolders or anywhere else in the datasource.

  • If the Spatial Location File object is a folder, it will look in the target folder for an immediate child folder with the same name. It will only consider direct child folders and ignore all other folders in the datasource.