ProjectWise Explorer Help

DMSSET Variables for Integrated AutoCAD

Variable Value / Description
MISSINGPWREFRESTORE (This is an internal variable and should not be changed by the user.)
REFTIME Sets how often (in minutes) integrated AutoCAD checks for updated references.
REFMODE Controls how references are to be reloaded into the master document, if any of the master document's references happen to be updated or checked in by another user.
  • If set to 1 — when another user updates a file that is referenced into the master document you have open, the Select Documents to Reload dialog opens to notify you of this update, and so you can select which external references to reload.
  • If set to 2 — integrated AutoCAD reloads any updated external references silently in the master file, without any notification to you.
  • If set to 3 — no reloading takes place.
REFMISSINGMODE Instructs integrated AutoCAD what to do when it detects a missing external reference, when the reference is from ProjectWise:

If set to 0 — integrated AutoCAD will not check for missing references.

If set to 1 (default) — integrated AutoCAD checks for missing references, and if any are found, the user is prompted about how to handle the situation.

If set to 2 — integrated AutoCAD checks for missing references, and if any are found, the user is prompted to enter the path to the missing reference(s).

If set to 3 — integrated AutoCAD checks for missing references, and if any are found, they are permanently deleted from the master document without any prompts to the user.

REFPATH Controls how the reference path is stored.

If set to 0 (default) — reference paths are stored as relative paths.

If set to 1 — reference paths are stored as absolute paths.

REFRELOADMODE (This is an internal variable and should not be changed by the user.)
PLOTTINGMODE Controls whether or not plotting in AutoCAD is integrated with ProjectWise. This can be useful to allow third party tools to perform their own plotting processing, such as batch plot.

If set to 1 (default) — plotting is integrated with ProjectWise.

If set to 0 — plotting integration is disabled.

ATTACHMODE Controls whether or not the reference attachment commands (XATTACH, IMAGEATTACH, DWFATTACH, DGNATTACH, PDFATTACH, ATTACH) are integrated with ProjectWise.

If set to 1 (default) — reference attachment commands are integrated with ProjectWise.

If set to 0 — integration with reference attachment commands is disabled.

SHOWSFM (This is an internal variable and should not be changed by the user.)
SHOWMISSINGSHAPES Controls how integrated AutoCAD handles missing SHX files.

If set to 1 (default), and you open a document with one or more missing SHX file, a dialog opens, prompting you to select a font to use in place of the missing SHX file.

If set to 0, and you open a document with one or more missing SHX file, the missing SHX files are simply ignored. AutoCAD neither prompts you to select another font, nor does it attempt any font substitution of its own.

ETRANSMITMODE Controls whether or not File > eTransmit is integrated with ProjectWise.

If set to 1 (default) — File > eTransmit is integrated with ProjectWise.

If set to 0 — integration with File > eTransmit is disabled.

SHEETSETMODE Controls whether or not AutoCAD Sheet Set functionality is integrated with ProjectWise.

If set to 1 (default) — Sheet Set functionality is integrated with ProjectWise.

If set to 0 — integration with Sheet Set functionality is disabled.