ProjectWise Deliverables Management Portal Help

To Send an RFI Draft for Review

You can send a draft of an RFI to another internal participant so that they can review it and make or recommend changes before issuing the RFI.

Only those internal participants who have the Issue package permission can be selected as a reviewer.

  1. While you have an RFI draft open, do one of the following:

    Click the menu in the upper right corner of the draft and select Send for review & issue.


    Click the menu next to the Issue button at the bottom of the draft and select Send for review & issue.

    The Send for review window opens.

  2. Select a reviewer from the list.

    The list is populated with project participants who have the Issue package permission.

  3. (Optional) Enter a comment.
  4. Click Send.

The draft is now locked to you (the author) from making further modifications, and an email notification containing a link to the draft is sent to the selected reviewer. The reviewer can now open the draft and make modifications as needed.

The reviewer can either issue the RFI, or reject it. If the reviewer rejects the RFI, an email notification will be sent back to you, the draft author, informing you of the rejection. If the draft is rejected, it will be unlocked to you so you can make further modifications and send it back out for review or issue it.