ProjectWise Administrator Help

Datasource Properties Dialog

Displays information about the selected datasource, such as the database being used by the datasource, global document and folder security settings, and various other datasource settings.

General tab

Sets the datasource name, a display name if necessary, and the type of database you are using to support the datasource.

Name Sets the internal name of the datasource. If no Display name is set below, then users will see this internal name, plus the name of the computer on which the ProjectWise server is located: <servername>:<datasourcename>
Display name Sets the external name for the datasource. If a Display name exists, users will see this name rather the internal datasource name as set above in the Name field. Use a display name if you do not want to show off the name or IP address of the computer on which your ProjectWise server is located.
Database Type Sets the type of database you are using to support the datasource. The database that displays by default in the list is the database to which the datasource is currently connected.
Connection - ODBC Datasource Displays the ODBC datasource that is currently in use. If there are other ODBC datasources defined on this computer and configured to connect with the database, you can select a different ODBC datasource from the list.
Licenses Shows the current statuses of your organization's ProjectWise server licenses.

Security tab

See below for quick reference. For more information, see Preventing Connections to a Server or Datasource Using Deny Lists.

Security Type
  • Client connections - Select this type if you want to specify any computers that this datasource will not accept connections from.
  • Datasource list publishing - Select this type if you want to specify any computers that this datasource will not be published to.
  • Client versions login - Select this type if you want to specify any ProjectWise Explorer versions that this datasource will not accept logins from.
  • Client versions admin login - Select this type if you want to specify any ProjectWise Administrator versions that this datasource will not accept logins from.
Deny / Allow When specifying computers to deny or not publish to, use the Deny section (bottom) to specify the computers to deny, and only use the Allow section (top) to specify any exceptions to the deny / do not publish to list.

When specifying versions to deny, either use the Deny section (bottom) to specify the computers to deny, or use the Allow section (top) to specify the versions to allow.

Database Users tab

Sets the user name and password of the account that the ProjectWise Integration Server uses to connect to the database. The user name and password that display are those that were specified during creation of the ProjectWise datasource. If the user name and/or password changes in the database, you need to update them here also.


See Licensing.

Used to determining which organization is responsible for the licensing costs incurred by using the datasource.

By default, each organization using a given datasource is responsible for the licensing costs incurred by their users. If needed, you can change this in ProjectWise Administrator so that the organization who owns the datasource is responsible for all of the licensing costs incurred by all organizations using the datasource.

Set Organization Click this button to assign an organization to a datasource that will attribute all license, entitlement, utilization, and any associated user costs.
Clear Organization Click this button to remove the association between the currently assigned organization and the datasource.
Copy current 'License ID' for Support Click Copy to copy the datasource license ID so that you can send it to Bentley Support.

Spatial tab

Used to control the Spatial settings for the selected datasource.

New documents default Spatial Location source Controls the default spatial location for the new documents created in ProjectWise. Possible values are:
  • None - The document will have no default spatial location. This is the default setting.
  • Use parent folder - The document will inherit the spatial location of its parent folder if there is one.
New folders default Spatial Location source Controls the default spatial location for the new folders created in ProjectWise. Possible values are:
  • None - The folder will have no default spatial location. This is the default setting.
  • Use parent folder - The folder will inherit the spatial location of its parent folder if there is one.
Datasource Spatial Extent Use to define a range of coordinates for making a spatial location scan by defining the area covered by the datasource. This limits the extracted extent of files in the datasource.
Geometry Extraction Options Defines the mode for Datasource Spatial Extent.
  • Don't validate geometry against datasource extent (default) - spatial location extraction works without a defined spatial extent.
  • Exclude points outside datasource extent - each point in the scanned file is validated against the datasource extent. If a point is outside the datasource extent, it is not considered when computing final geometry. Using this option may slow the extraction of a file's extent because it involves more computation.
  • Clip geometry if overlapping datasource extent - geometry is computed normally, and then the resulting geometry points are compared one by one with the datasource extent. Points outside the extent are clipped to the datasource's extent.
  • Treat geometries overlapping datasource extent as invalid - any geometry overlapping the datasource extent is considered invalid.

Revit Integration tab

Used to set the virtual drive letter to be used by all integrated Revit users working in a particular datasource. Each datasource by default is set to use the drive letter R.

See Changing the Default Virtual Drive Letter for Revit Integration.

Settings tab

Contains settings that control the overall behavior of the datasource.

See Datasource Properties Dialog - Settings Tab (Datasource Settings).

Icons tab

Contains the default icons that are used in ProjectWise Explorer. To change an icon, double-click the item to change, or right-click the selected item and select Set Image. To change an icon back to its default icon, select and right-click an icon that has been changed and select Set Default Image.

Statistics tab

Displays various statistics about the datasource. By default, these statistics are updated every 12 hours, but this can be changed through the StatisticsFrequency setting in ProjectWise Integration Server's DMSKRNL.CFG file. The statistic update time is displayed in the bottom left corner of the tab. If necessary you can manually update the statistics by clicking the Refresh button on the Statistics tab. Refreshing statistics can take a few minutes for large datasources, during which time you will be unable to use ProjectWise Administrator.

Audit Trail tab

Used to configure audit trail settings for the datasource.

For details, see Configuring Audit Trail.

Settings Opens the Audit Trail Settings dialog, which lets you select which actions will get recorded to the datasource's audit trail history, and also lets you set truncating rules for each audit trail record type. By default, all logging options for all record types are enabled, therefore audit trail is effectively fully enabled a new datasource by default. You only need to turn off the logging options you do not need to use. Once these global options are set, you can set Audit Trail options for each user on the Settings tab of the User Properties dialog.
Move truncated records into secondary table If on, the audit trail records, when purged from the main audit trail table in the database, will be moved to the table specified. If off, then audit trail records will be permanently deleted when they are removed from the main audit trail table. To specify the secondary audit trail table to use, turn this option on and in the text field that becomes enabled, enter a name for the secondary audit trail table you want ProjectWise to create in the database to archive the old audit trail records. If the table does not already exist in the database, it will be created as necessary when the records expire.
Copy audit trail records along with copied documents If on, and a document is copied to another folder, the document's audit trail records are also copied over with the copied document. The same records also remain on the original document.

Folder Security tab

Contains controls for defining folder permissions, globally across the datasource.

See ProjectWise Access Control.

Document Security tab

Contains controls for defining document permissions, globally across the datasource.

See ProjectWise Access Control.

Granular Security tab

Used to give one or more members of the Restricted Administrator group full access to datasource properties.

See Setting Granular Security in ProjectWise Administrator.