ProjectWise Administrator Help

Using the Network Configuration Settings Dialog to Connect Your Client to the Server

The ProjectWise Network Configuration Settings dialog is primarily used to establish a TCP connection from the ProjectWise client computer to one or more ProjectWise servers in order to obtain datasource list information and populate the datasource lists in the ProjectWise applications installed on the client computer. This dialog is delivered with ProjectWise Explorer and ProjectWise Administrator.

You can also use the ProjectWise Network Configuration Settings dialog to:

  • Block the client from broadcasting UDP requests.

    This shortens the time it takes to retrieve the datasource list by not searching for local datasources, and instead only retrieving the datasources of the servers you explicitly connect to here.

  • Direct the client to a server from which they can get server name resolution information.

    Depending on the client's socket version and/or the network configuration, the client may have problems solving IP addresses by host name. For example, a client may be really slow at solving IP addresses by host name, or may not be able to solve them at all, or the client may fail to retrieve a file from the storage area, or file operations may be really slow. To eliminate these problems, you should configure the [NameResolution] section of a server's DMSKRNL.CFG file, and then point the client to that server.

  • Set whether or not the user can log in to a datasource that resides on a server that is not configured to use a secure connection.
  • Enable ProjectWise clients to use IPv6
Note: Information entered on the DNS Services and Datasource Listing tabs of the ProjectWise Network Configuration Settings dialog gets stored in a different place in the Windows Registry depending on whether the dialog is opened in user mode or administrator mode. When you open the dialog in administrator mode, the information gets added under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bentley\ProjectWise\NetworkConfig. When you open the dialog in user mode, the information gets added under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Bentley\ProjectWise\NetworkConfig.
Note: Although ProjectWise permits you to enter a hostname (computer name), an IP address, or a fully-qualified domain name (hostname + domain name) in the Hostname fields on the DNS Services and Datasource Listing tabs, it is recommended that you use fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) here. Direct use of IP addresses should only be reserved for cases when using DNS names is not an option.
Note: When using host names, make sure the host names are configured for reverse lookup.
Note: If ProjectWise Explorer or ProjectWise Administrator is installed on the same computer as your ProjectWise Integration Server, that server's datasources will always display in ProjectWise Explorer and ProjectWise Administrator, even if you turn on Prevent UDP. However, in the case of ProjectWise Explorer clients only, if you do turn on Prevent UDP on the Datasource Listing tab, the datasources of the server on the same computer as ProjectWise Explorer will not display in the datasource list of the ProjectWise Log In dialog that opens when you launch integrated applications from the desktop, or when you open the ProjectWise Export Wizard or the ProjectWise Import Wizard. In those cases, you can still log in to the datasource by entering the servername:datasourcename in the Datasource field.