ProjectWise Administrator Help

Enabling Server-Side Processing

For better performance and security, you can optionally enable rules engine processing to be handled by the ProjectWise Integration Server instead of the ProjectWise Explorer client.

To enable server-side processing, in ProjectWise Administrator right-click the Rules Engine node and turn on Execute on server on the Settings tab.

You can also enable server-side processing by adding the setting, SERVER_MODULE=ENABLED, to the example_rules.xlsx file and then re-importing that file through the Rules Engine node.

  • Server-side processing requires that your server and ProjectWise Explorer client are both CONNECT Edition Update 3.2 or later. This means the Rules Engine will NOT use server-side processing if either your server or ProjectWise Explorer client is from a version prior to CONNECT Edition Update 3.2, even if server-side processing is enabled.
  • The super user and rollback user are NOT used when the Rules Engine is using server-side processing.
  • Update_TB issues:
    1. The Update_TB command does not work on older Microsoft Office document formats (.DOC and .XLS) when using server-side processing.
    2. When server-side processing applies the Update_TB command on a Microsoft Office document, the document is updated with the latest title block data, but when you open the document, the fields that actually display the title block data will still show the old data because those fields are not automatically updated. The user will have to manually update the title block fields after they open the document. This is a Microsoft issue and has nothing to do with ProjectWise.