ProjectWise Administrator Help

Installing ProjectWise Administrator from a Command Prompt (silent install)

You can install ProjectWise Administrator silently from a command prompt instead of using the installation wizard.

To get started, open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where the EXE file for the ProjectWise Administrator installer is located.

Use this command to install ProjectWise Administrator with the default features and to the default location:

Setup_ProjectWise_Administratorx64_<versionnumber>.exe -silent

With additional command arguments you can customize which features get installed, change the default installation location, or change the location of the log file. You can also uninstall ProjectWise Administrator from the command prompt.

Get a list of installable features

To find out which features you can include in your installation, open a command prompt with elevated privileges (run as administrator) and then enter this command:

Setup_ProjectWise_Administratorx64_<versionnumber>.exe ExportCliArgs=C:\PW_installs\FeatureIDTree.txt

This creates a file called FeatureIDTree.txt in the specified folder which contains a list of all the features that can be installed through the ProjectWise Administrator installer. Open this file in a text editor and review which features you want to include in your installation command. Items with an asterisk * next to them (for example, ProjectWiseAdministrator*) are required features that will always be installed and do not need to be specified in the command.

This is the full list of features that can be installed for this release, as listed in the FeatureIDTree.txt file:

      |   \---ProjectWiseAdministrator_PWMRREdit

Select which features get installed

Use the ADDLOCAL property in your installation command if you need to install a custom set of features (that is, a different set of features than are normally installed by default when using the basic installation command). When specifying which features to install, you must separate each feature by a comma. Any feature that is not explicitly specified after the ADDLOCAL property will not be installed, even if that feature is normally installed by default when using the basic installation command.

For example:

Setup_ProjectWise_Administratorx64_<versionnumber>.exe ADDLOCAL=ProjectWiseAdministrator_Environment_Settings,ProjectWiseAdministrator_Generic_Settings,ProjectWiseAdministrator_ID_ATTR_ADM,ProjectWiseAdministrator_AutomatedFileProcessing,ProjectWiseAdministrator_ProjectTypeEditor,ProjectWiseAdministrator_PowerShellExtensions,ProjectWiseExampleDataset -silent

This command installs ProjectWise Administrator, the Environment Administration, General Administration, iDesktop Attribute Administrator, Automated File Processing, Work Area Type Editor, PowerShell Extensions, and the ProjectWise Example Dataset.

Tip: You can test your installation configuration by running your custom command without the -silent argument. This will open the installation wizard and show which features your command has turned on or off, on the Select feature to install page (after accepting the license agreement). If this page shows what you are expecting, then you can assume that running the same command with the -silent argument will install everything you instructed it to install. Also, the feature names are case sensitive and must be typed exactly as they appear in the FeatureIDTree.txt file and without the leading dashes. For example, the ProjectWise Example Dataset must be typed as ProjectWiseExampleDataset (projectwiseexampledataset or ---ProjectWiseExampleDataset will not work).

Change the installation location

Add the PWA_INSTALLDIR and PWA_INSTALLDIR64 properties to your installation command if you want to change the default installation locations:

Setup_ProjectWise_Administratorx64_<versionnumber>.exe PWA_INSTALLDIR="C:\ProjectWise\ProjectWise Administrator (x86)" PWA_INSTALLDIR64="C:\ProjectWise\ProjectWise Administrator (x64)" -silent
Note: You will not be able to change the default installation locations if another application from this release is already installed.

Change the location of the log file

Use the -log option to change the location of the log file:

Setup_ProjectWise_Administratorx64_<versionnumber>.exe -log "C:\pwlogs\pwainstall.log" -silent

If you do not specify a location for the log file, it will be saved to C:\Users\<>\AppData\Local\Temp\ProjectWise_Administrator_<versionname>_<datetime>.log.


Use this command to uninstall ProjectWise Administrator silently:

Setup_ProjectWise_Administratorx64_<versionnumber>.exe -uninstall -silent

Repair the installation

Use the -repair option to repair the ProjectWise Administrator installation silently:

Setup_ProjectWise_Administratorx64_<versionnumber>.exe -repair -silent

You can also use the -repair option with the REINSTALL property to repair a specific feature of the ProjectWise Administrator installation silently:

Setup_ProjectWise_Administratorx64_<versionnumber>.exe -repair -silent REINSTALL=ProjectWiseExampleDataset