ProjectWise Administrator Help

Trusted External Indexers

Note: This feature is used with ProjectWise Web Server V8i (SELECTseries 4), which is still supported in the current release (as of this writing), but is no longer delivered.

Lists the SharePoint installations (which are using ProjectWise Web Server's SharePoint search integration feature) that have sent a trust request to the ProjectWise Design Integration Server. Any SharePoint installation that you grant trust to can then crawl all of the full text indexes for all of the datasources of the ProjectWise Design Integration Server. This list also shows when trust was granted and when it will expire (trust is granted for a year).

This node displays after the last datasource in the list for any ProjectWise Design Integration Server. To view this list, you must log in to at least one of the datasources of the ProjectWise Design Integration Server. If you are not logged in to any datasources when you select the Trusted External Indexers node, you are prompted to log in to one of them.