ProjectWise Administrator Help

Disabling and Deleting User Accounts

When a user account is not in use, you can either disable it or delete it. Disabling the account would be appropriate if the user associated to the account is sick, on vacation, or otherwise temporarily not using ProjectWise. Deleting the account would be appropriate if that user no longer works for the organization. If the user being deleted owns any documents, the user performing the deletion becomes the owner of those documents.

When a user is deleted, the user is also deleted from all groups of lists in which the user is a member. If there is only one user in the Administrator group, this user cannot be deleted.

To Disable a User Account

  1. Open the Properties dialog for a user.
  2. At the bottom of the General tab, turn on Account is Disabled.
  3. Click OK.

To Delete a User Account

  1. Right-click a user name and select Delete.

    If the user about to be deleted owns any documents, you are informed that you (the user performing the deletion) will become the new owner of these documents.

  2. When prompted, click Yes to confirm.