ProStructures Help

Plates/Polyplates - Web Grating tab

Gratings are a special case in plate production. In principle, you can call any plate a grating, but often standard sizes are preferred (depending on the manufacturer). Another issue is how to determine the weight for the parts list which traditionally can only be calculated.  ProStructures is able to manage gratings (resp. tear plates, fence elements, etc) in their own database files which provide the exact weight per piece. Here, you can easily select and insert these elements.

  • Height offset - Sets the height of the plate above the current UCS.

    1) Insertion height, 2) Plate thickness, Z) negative direction

  • X-Offset - Sets an offset in the X direction of the plate relative to the selected insertion position. You can either enter this value or define the insertion point by means of the data points.
  • Y-Offset - Sets an offset in the Y direction of the plate relative to the selected insertion position. You can either enter this value or define the insertion point by means of the data points.
  • Part Family - If part families are defined, you can set them here. The selection of part family can influence the colour of the component part.
  • Detail Style - If detailing styles are defined, you can determine them here.
  • Display Class - If display classes are defined, you can determine them here.
  • Area Class - If area classes are defined, you can determine them here.
  • Description - If general part descriptions are defined, you can determine them here. The selection of the description can influence the colour and the layer.
  • level - Here, you can specify on which layer the plates have to be stored.
Selection List Here, you select a grating element for insertion. The dimensions are determined by the database and cannot be modified later.
Insert Edge Sets the vertical insertion position of the plate relative to the current UCS or ECS system, depending on the selected option. They are:
  • Bottom
  • Top
  • Middle
Preview Displays the selected plate in a plan view. Insertion points are shown as well. Select one of these points to insert the plate at this insertion point.
Checker plate by insertion point Inserts the grating element selected from the list at the selected insertion point.
Distributes the selected grating element automatically within a boundary. You first have to select the border (smartline) and then specify the alignment and the origin of distribution (see also "Roof and Wall Covering").
Accept current After insertion, plates are still connected to the dialog. Modifications are still possible. Click to interrupt this connection, thus preventing further modifications (via this dialog) to already inserted plates.