ProStructures Help

Grid System Settings

Used to define default settings for how Grid Systems are presented, labeled and dimensioned.

Used to manage gridlines authoring behaviors. It is used to define default settings for how Grid Systems are presented, labeled and dimensioned.
The Grid System Settings dialog is opened from the Settings option in the Grid Systems Settings toolbar. This dialog populates the local setting of the selected Grid System. When multiple grid system definitions are selected, the collective result of settings displays **Varies** against properties having conflicting values. These settings are stored in the Grid Definition dgnlib. The settings will apply to the highlighted grid system definition(s).
Attention: The toggle settings - having two options, e.g. Display label on top: On/Off, can be set to another option simply by double-clicking.
Grid System Settings Defines default Grid template annotations and set minimum grid line extension value.
  • Grid Template — Applies the default DGNLib template available at the location set by the configuration variable .

    Selecting Manage Templates opens the Element Templates dialog where the definition of the Grid Annotation and Settings used to display the Grid within a model or used in the production of an external grid model through the Create/Update Grid Models option.
  • Minimum Grid Line Extension — Sets the shortest distance allowable between label bubble and the end of the grid line. This is the minimum extension value defined for the grid lines.
Note: The two Floor settings are disabled.
Grid Labels Sets label format and their order to suit regional conventions. This option allows you to define the default labeling format as either alpha or numeric. (A,B,C… or 1,2,3… ) and the direction of labels.

In practice, Grid labeling requirements differ region wide to or even project to project. The Label Direction options allows you to define the direction in which the grid is defined to accommodate the appropriate labeling sequence.

Right to Left / Bottom to Top

Left to Right / Bottom to Top (Default)

Right to Left / Top to Bottom

Left to Right / Top to Bottom

The above illustrations demonstrate how the label direction affect the definition of the orthogonal grid and likewise the display order of the label. The origin for all the grids remain at 0,0. The addition of a view-independent XY compass (glif) to the gridline preview is required to help communicate the layout and labeling direction. For radial grids, the view compass illustrates the labeling direction, as below:

Counter clockwise, Inwards

Counter clockwise, Outwards

Clockwise, Inwards

Clockwise, Outwards

For outward types, the label numbering direction of circular gridlines starts from innermost grid line and increments towards the outermost.

Example of Counter clockwise, Outwards

Example of Clockwise, Outwards

In case of inwards types, the label numbering direction of circular gridlines starts from outermost grid line and increments towards innermost.
  • Label Vertical / Radial — Sets the label format either to alpha character or numeric, auto sequenced in incrementing order. Pick one from the list:
    • A, B, C...
    • 1, 2, 3...
  • Label Vertical / Radial Direction — Sets the vertical or radial direction of the labels assigned to in grid layout.
    • Left to Right (for Orthogonal) / Counterclockwise (for Radial)
    • Right to Left (for Orthogonal) / Clockwise (for Radial)
  • Label Horizontal — Sets the label format either to alpha character or numeric, auto sequenced in incrementing order. Pick one from the list:
    • A, B, C...
    • 1, 2, 3...
    Applicable to Orthogonal grids.
  • Label Horizontal Direction — Sets the horizontal direction of the labels assigned to in Orthogonal grid layout.
    • Bottom to Top
    • Top to Bottom
    Disabled for Radial Grids.
  • Exclude Label Characters — Enter characters (alpha or numeric - as defined for format), separated by a comma delimiter to skip it from labeling of grids and in any automated sequencing of the label. This is useful when a certain character could confuse its impression, e.g. F over E, O over Q etc., practiced by various CAD standards.
Grid Label Display Sets label display placement and alignment.
  • Display Label on Top / Bottom / Left / Right — Sets to display or not the label on respective side. Option toggles between:
    • On
    • Off
  • Align Linear Labels — When On, grid labels are aligned to the orthogonal grid system regardless of the Min/max Extents defined. When Off, grid labels attach to their parent grid lines at the selected Min/max Extents.
  • Align Radial Labels — When On, grid labels are aligned to the radial grid system regardless of the Min/max Extents defined. When Off, grid labels attach to their parent grid lines at the selected Min/max Extents.
Note: The Dimensions settings are disabled in ProStructures.
Save As Default Settings Saves as default option, allowing the Grid System setting to be saved both to the Local and Global storage. Remains pre-set by default when there is no grid systems defined and the Grid Systems dialog is empty.
Apply to All Grid Systems Applies the current Grid System Settings to All Grid Systems, irrespective of selections. This option does not apply setting to the Global settings, unless Save As Default is also selected.
Tip: You can define the default setting used for new grids, by selecting Save As Default Setting, but ultimately each Grid System definition holds its own settings. Grid Systems can also be re-synchronized across all Grid System definitions by selecting Apply To Al Grid Systems.

Element Templates Properties

The "Grid Templates" define physical symbology for the Grid Systems. They are stored in the location defined by the configuration variable SMC_COLUMNGRID_TEMPLATE_DGNLIB. Their properties are managed in the Element Templates dialog. For a given template, both Grid and Elevation Annotations' desired properties can be set that suit graphics and symbology standards. For example, the minor grid Lines can have separate symbology from major grids with settings for level, weight, style and color, and Y offset for elevation story.