ProStructures Help

Element Modification - Chamfer tab

Used for created chamfers or rounded edges.

Layout and Position
  • Layout - Selects the type of chamfer to be used: Straight Chamfer, Convex Chamfer, or Concave Chamfer.
  • Radius/1st edge - Sets the radius at convex/concave version or the length of the first edge at straight version.
  • 2nd edge - Sets the length of the second edge of the straight chamfer.
  • (Chamfer plate) - Used to select the edges on a plate to add a chamfers. The chamfer input fields are activated so you can change the layout of the chamfer.
Round Edges
  • Radius - Sets the round radius.
  • Min. radius - (Read only) Displays the minimum possible radius.
  • Height - Sets the height above the straight edge.
  • Max. height - (Read only) Displays the maximum possible height.
  • (Round edge of plate) - Used to select the edges on a plate to add a rounds. The round edge input fields are activated so you can define the rounding off either via the radius or via the height of the rounding above the straight edge.

Examples of Chamfers and Round Edges

Plate with several chamfer types

Plate with rounded edge before and after the round is applied