PlantWise Help


Element Attributes / Relationships Name Definition
pipeway attributes description NOT AVAILABLE IN 5.0.0
empty-cgx x-ordinate of the empty center of gravity
empty-cgy y-ordinate of the empty center of gravity
empty-cgz z-ordinate of the empty center of gravity
empty-mx empty X moment of inertia of the empty mass
empty-my empty Y moment of inertia of the empty mass
empty-mz empty Z moment of inertia of the empty mass
fluid-cgy y-ordinate of the fluid center of gravity
fluid-cgz z-ordinate of the contained fluid's center of gravity
fluid-mx X moment of inertia of the contained fluid's mass
fluid-my Y moment of inertia of the contained fluid's mass
fluid-mz Z moment of inertia of the contained fluid's mass
fluid-weight weight of the contained fluid
geo_loc origin point; list of three numbers
mass-type PIPEWAY
mass_display_name <mass-type> <display_name>

Isometric and plan views of placement point; minimum x, y, z; and, maximum x, y, z of the pipeway and pipeway_section report components.

Element Attributes / Relationships Name Definition
pipeway attributes max_x x-ordinate of pipeway's upper north-east corner
max_y y-ordinate of pipeway's upper north-east corner
max_z z-ordinate of pipeway's upper north-east corner
min_x x-ordinate of pipeway's lower south-west corner
min_y y-ordinate of pipeway's lower south-west corner
min_z z-ordinate of pipeway's lower south-west corner
name unique string identifier for component (tag)
operating-cgx x-ordinate of the total center of gravity
operating-cgy y-ordinate of the total center of gravity
operating-cgz z-ordinate of the total center of gravity
operating-mx total X moment of inertia
operating-my total Y moment of inertia
operating-mz total Z moment of inertia
operating-weight total weight
orientation as defined in Pipeway Builder, either N, S, E, or W
x, y, z x-, y-, and z-values of geo_loc; real numbers

Some of the parts of a pipeway that can be related to the pipeway and pipeway_section report components.

Element Attributes / Relationships Name Definition
pipeway relationships beams the beams of the pipeway
braces Not available in version 5.0.18
cantilevers the cantilevers connected to the pipeway
columns the columns of the pipeway
laterals the laterals of the pipeway
members members that compose pipeway
other-members independent structural members that have been associated with the pipeway
sections the sections of the pipeway