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Pipeline Segment

While the pipeline-element component breaks a pipeline into its parts, pipeline-segment counts the elbows, tees, and straight lengths of the pipeline broken down by diameter or specification change (pipeline material code and/or insulation thickness).

Components counted by pipeline-segment report component. A) 90° and 45° elbows; B) 45° laterals; and C) 60° laterals.

Element Attributes / Relationships Name Definition
pipeline-segment attributes 45-laterals number of 45° laterals on pipeline segment
45-ls number of 45° elbows on pipeline
60-laterals number of 60° laterals on pipeline segment
90-lrls number of 90° elbows on pipeline
class class code of segment from pipeline list or specification break
commodity pipeline commodity code from pipeline list
converted-diameter user input diameter or diameter after reducer in project units
diameter user input diameter or diameter after reducer in diameter units
insulation-code insulation code from pipeline list, user override, or specification break
insulation-thickness insulation thickness from pipeline list, user override, or specification break
length length of segment minus elbows
material material of the pipeline segment
tag name of pipeline from pipeline list
tees number of automatically placed tees (not laterals) on segment
total-length-for-all-pipes length of all pipelines; useful for percentages