PlantWise Help

Table 9: Router Exception Messages

When the display of proximity violations is on, each violation will generate an exception with the message:

  • <tag> and <tag> must be at least <value> apart but are only <value> (<type of violation>).

The most common Routing Error exceptions are pockets and short elbows.

Category Messages
Routing Error Alignment error at end <tag>, off by <value> degrees
Routing Error Branch line <tag> does not align with tee outlet.
Routing Error The computed paths for Pipeline <tag> don't connect properly: <coordinate list>. Forcing them into a connected path for user feedback: <coordinate list>.
Routing Error The paths for Pipeline <tag> don't connect: <coordinate list>.
Routing Error The pipeline has the following elbow errors: <list of erroneous elbows>
Routing Error The route has a pocket.