PlantWise Help

Table 4: Interference Exception Messages

Each time the AutoRouter runs a pipeline into an obstacle – such as another pipeline, steel, or equipment – an Interference exception is reported. As the most common type of exception, resolutions for many interferences are listed in AutoRouter - Common Exceptions.

Category Message
Interference Pipeline interferes with <pipeline tag | offset from nozzle> between (<coordinate set>) and (<coordinate set>).
Interference PSV interferes with <tag>
Interference There are likely interferences with the vicinity route provided for end <tag>; reducing the vicinity route to the minimum possible.
Interference Pipeline interferes with obstacle <tag> between (<coordinate set>) and (<coordinate set>).
Interference Pipeline interferes with itself between ( (<coordinate set>) (<coordinate set>)).
Interference There are unresolvable interferences with the vicinity route provided for end <tag>: <rule>