PlantWise Help


PlantWise can export pipeline centerlines, basic pipeline components (pipes, elbows, reducers, and tees), equipment geometry, and structural steel data for import into AutoPLANT Piping, Equipment, and Structural. The exported data provides an initial model for detailing in AutoPLANT so that 3D designs can move smoothly from the conceptual stage into detailed design. The generation of AutoPLANT export data is supported by additional modules that can be loaded into PlantWise at startup. These modules are available as a prototype capability with professional services support to facilitate the setup, implementation, and customization.

When this option is selected, the Browse For Folder dialog is opened.

AutoPLANT PXF Export Browser for Folder.

When a folder is selected by either clicking on the tree, or typing in the name in the Folder: field, and OK is pressed, PlantWise will create a folder using the Model Name. That folder will have equipment, piping, and structure subfolders, as well as a line list text file for use with AutoPIPE.

Note: The export will overwrite existing files.