PlantWise Help

PlantDrafter Setup

Before creating a drawing, you need a model drawing seed file, a sheet file, and a symbol library. These files must have matching master and sub-units. Any discrepancy will result in incorrect drawings. Additionally, you need a template file that stores the drawing format data – this file is created and updated whenever you save the template in the PlantDrafter Template Editor.

Bentley Systems provides a basic set of matching files:

Path Imperial Metric Description
<project>\<msce>\ Feet-inches-seed.dgn Meter-mm-seed.dgn drawing seed file
<project>\<msce>\ esheet.sht a0sheet.sht sheet file
<project>\<msce>\symbols imp_dwg.cdx met_dwg.cdx symbols
<project>\<msce>\symbols imp_dwg.cel met_dwg.cel
<project>\dwgtemplate\plotplan imp_E_iso.xml metric_a0_iso.xml drawing templates
<project>\dwgtemplate\plotplan imp_E_plan.xml metric_a0_plan.xml
<project>\dwgtemplate\plotplan imp_E_transpo.xml metric_a0_transpo.xml

PlantDrafter plan view drawing with pipelines turned off.