PlantWise Help


Reports on pipelines reference attributes true of the line from end to end - or defined in the pipeline list - without taking into account diameter or specification changes.

For reports on the parts of a pipeline, you should use pipeline-element or pipeline-segment as part of their Component Expression.
Element Attributes / Relationships Name Definition
pipeline attributes bop_route vertices of the final bottom-of-pipe route
category DIRECT or PIPEWAY
centerline list of coordinates of the pipeline's centerline path
commodity_code commodity code from pipeline list
connectivity_input the full connectivity entry for the pipeline
converted_diameter diameter reported in project main units - intended for mixed unit projects
diameter user's input diameter in diameter units
display_name unique string identifier for component (tag)
drawing_level the name of the CAD level the routed pipe is actually drawn on
empty-cgx x-ordinate of the empty center of gravity
empty-cgy y-ordinate of the empty center of gravity
empty-cgz z-ordinate of the empty center of gravity
empty-mx empty X moment of inertia of the empty mass
empty-my empty Y moment of inertia of the empty mass
empty-mz empty Z moment of inertia of the empty mass
flange_insulation YES or NO
fluid-cgy y-ordinate of the fluid center of gravity
fluid-cgz z-ordinate of the contained fluid's center of gravity
fluid-mx X moment of inertia of the contained fluid's mass
fluid-my Y moment of inertia of the contained fluid's mass
fluid-mz Z moment of inertia of the contained fluid's mass
fluid-weight weight of the contained fluid
fluid_phase_class LIQUID or VAPOR
frozen T if pipe route is frozen; otherwise, NIL
input_diameter user's input diameter in diameter units
input_pw_level_required T if you have set the pipeway level to required; otherwise, NIL
insulation_code insulation code provided from data table or user override
insulation_thickness insulation thickness provided from data table or user override
is_header is pipe an equipment set header line? (T or :NIL)
line_class pipe class code from pipeline list
mass-type PIPELINE
mass_display_name <mass-type> <display_name>
material pipeline material from data table or user override
max_nominal_diameter user's input diameter in project units
operating-cgx x-ordinate of the total center of gravity
operating-cgy y-ordinate of the total center of gravity
operating-cgz z-ordinate of the total center of gravity
operating-mx total X moment of inertia
operating-my total Y moment of inertia
operating-mz total Z moment of inertia
operating-weight total weight
painting_type pipeline painting type from data table or user override
pipeway_level pipeline pipeway level from data table or user override
priority attribute from pipeline editor
rating pipeline pressure rating from data table or user override
suction_p elevation of endpoints if a suction pipeline; otherwise (NIL NIL)
temperature operating temperature from data table or user override
temperature_class temperature class from data table or user override
temperature_threshold temperature at which a commodity changes from cold to hot, from data table or user override
to_pipeway_p true if a pipeway pipe; otherwise, NIL
tracing_number tracing number from data table or user override
tracing_size tracing size from data table or user override
tracing_type tracing type from data table or user override
unit_id unit id attribute from pipeline list
<user defined attributes> values for pipeline attributes defined in project setup
relationships control_valves control valves on the pipeline
flow_elements flow elements on the pipeline
inlines all inline components on the pipeline: control valve flow element pipe_connector (tee) reducer user defined inline
origin origin of pipeline
reducers reducers on the pipeline
segments segments of the pipeline; change of segment occur at diameter or spec changes
tees tees on the pipeline
terminus terminus of pipeline