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General Definitions

Infix Expressions

An expression is essentially a clause for your rule and is defined as:
<expression> ::= <arithmetic expression> |
	<string expression> | <character expression>
	| <boolean expression> | <if-then-else expression>
	| <Lisp function> | <list expression>
	| <table lookup> | ( <expression> )
	| print( <expression> )

Print is a function that can be applied to any list of expressions that will print the resulting value of the expressions to the Lisp Interpreter Window and return the value of the last expression as its result.

Expressions inside functions or if-then-else constructs should be place in parentheses for proper grouping. For example, sqrt((2 + 2)), not sqrt(2 + 2).

Lisp expressions, table lookups, parenthesized expressions, and printed expressions will return a value of one of the four basic types: arithmetic, string, character, or boolean.

Arithmetic Expressions

An arithmetic expression is either a number or mathematical operation:
<arithmetic expression> ::= <number> |
	<arithmetic attribute reference> | <arithmetic function> |
	<unary arithmetic operator> <arithmetic expression>|
	<arithmetic expression> <binary arithmetic 
	operator> <arithmetic expression>
  • An <arithmetic attribute reference> is simply an attribute reference in which the attribute contains a numeric value. For example, the geometry rules reference the user-entered attributes such as length, width, and height.
  • The arithmetic functions are:
    • absolute value (abs)
    • arc-tangent (atan), cosine (cos), and sine (sin) for radian values
    • exponential (exp)
    • modulus (mod)
    • square root (sqrt)
    • minimum (min)
    • maximum (max)
    Min and Max take a list of values for their arguments (i.e. min(2 3 4) would return the value 2).
    Arithmetic functions are written as follows:
    <arithmetic function> ::= abs(<arithmetic expression>)|
    atan(<arithmetic expression>) |
    cos(<arithmetic expression>) |
    sin(<arithmetic expression>) | 
    exp(<arithmetic expression>) |
    mod(<arithmetic expression> <arithmetic expression>)| 
    sqrt(<arithmetic expression>) |
    min( { <arithmetic expression> }+ ) | 
    max( { <arithmetic expression> }+ )
  • A unary arithmetic operator applies positive or negative value to an expression:
    <unary arithmetic operator> ::= + | -
  • While a binary arithmetic operator is one of the mathematical operations: exponents (** or ^), multiplication (*), division (/), addition (+), and subtraction (-).
    <binary arithmetic operator> ::= ** | ^ | * | / | + | -
    Exponentiation is not valid for fractional powers of negative numbers.
A function commonly used with arithmetic expressions is inches-or-mm and it is used to make expressions independent of project or diameter units. The argument for inches-or-mm is a list of two numbers, the first being an inch value and the second a millimeter value. The function call
inches-or-mm(4.0 100.0)
would return 4.0 if the project units is set to inches and 100.0 if project units is set to metric.

String Expressions

A string expression represents text:
<string expression> ::= ‘{<character>}*’ | 
	<string attribute reference> | 
	<string function> | 
	<string expression> + <string expression>
  • A <string attribute reference> is simply an attribute reference in which the attribute contains a string value. For example, the label element of a piece of equipment refers to the string that is the display name or tag of the equipment.
  • The string functions are:
    • make-string returns the string representation for the result of its argument expression; and
    • string-search determines if the target string is contained within the string being searched.
    String functions are written as follows:
    <string function> ::= make-string(<expression>)|
    string-search(“<target-string>” <string-to-search>)
    To eliminate items that contain a specific string, preface the function with not, for example:
    not(string-search("pump" equipment.display_name))
  • “+” denotes concatenation when used with two strings.

Character Expressions

  • First-char which returns the first character of the string expression for the result of its argument expression. (i.e. first-char(abc) would return “a”)
  • Second-char which returns the second character of the string expression for the result of its argument expression. (i.e. second-char(abc) would return “b”)
<character expression> ::= first-char(<string-expression) |
The first-char and second-char function calls are commonly used in equipment rules and reports. To form used to reference the first or second character of a string value is:
first-char(<string expression> is #\<character>)

Boolean Expressions

Boolean expressions are defined as follows:
<boolean expression> ::= <expression> | 
	not <boolean expression> |
	<boolean expression> or <boolean expression> |
	<boolean expression> and <boolean expression> |
	<arithmetic expression> <math comparison operator> 
		<arithmetic expression> |
	<string expression> <equality comparison operator>
		<string expression> |
	<character expression> <equality comparison operator>
		<character expression> |
	<boolean expression> <equality comparison operator>
		<boolean expression>
The equality comparison operators are equality (is, ==), and inequality (!=)
<equality comparison operator> ::= is | == | !=
Equality comparison operators are typically used in “if” clauses in expressions or “when” statements for rules. For example, the phrase “WHEN nozzle.type is inlet” is used to define the placement of inlet nozzles on equipment.
  • The mathematical comparison operators are:
  • less than (<)
  • less than or equals to (<=, =<)
  • greater than (>)
  • greater than or equals to (>=, =>)
  • equality (is, ==)
  • inequality (!=)
<math comparison operator> ::= < | <= | => | > | >= |
	=> | is | == | !=

If-Then-Else Expressions

If-then-else expressions allow for different results depending on whether or not the first expression is true.
<if-then-else expression> ::= if (<expression>)
	then (<expression>) [else (<expression>)]
Note: Expressions inside functions and if-then-else constructs should be parenthesized to make sure that they are grouped correctly, e.g., if (3 > 2) then (1 + 2) else (2 - 1).

Lisp Functions

Lisp-function allows infix users to use any function in Common Lisp.
<Lisp function> ::= lisp-function(<Lisp function name>
		{<expression>}* ) |
	<list expression> |
	dpp-xpos(<list expression> |
	dpp-ypos(<list expression> |
	dpp-zpos(<list expression>
Dpp-xpos, dpp-ypos, and dpp-zpos get the first, second, and third values of a list to decompose a 3D point into coordinates.

List Expressions

List expressions generate lists:
<list expression> ::= point(<arithmetic expression> 
<arithmetic expression> <arithmetic expression>) | 
	<list-valued attribute reference> |
	<expression> & <expression> |
	<list expression> + <list expression> |
	<list expression> - <list expression> |
	<list expression> > <list expression> |
	<list expression> < <list expression> |
	<list expression> >= <list expression> |
	<list expression> <= <list expression> |
	<expression> in <list expression>
  • “Point” constructs a list from its three arguments.
  • “&” forms a list of its arguments if they are not lists or appends the lists together if they are lists.
  • “+” and “-” perform vector addition and subtraction if the lists are numeric and the same length.
  • “<“ and “>” are comparison operators: proper subset of and proper superset of, respectively. Likewise, “<=” and “>=” mean subset of and superset of.
  • “in” is true if the result of the first expression is an element of the second.

Table Lookup

Table lookup allow syou to pull information from one of the data tables (see Appendix A - Default Data Tables).

<table lookup> ::= table-lookup(<table name> {<expression>}+) |
	table-round(<table name> {<expression>}+) |
	table-round-up(<table name> {<expression>}+) |
	table-round-down(<table name> {<expression>}+) |
	table-interpolate(<table name> {<expression>}+) |
	table-project(<table name> {<expression>}+)
The table name and any column names should be strings. Expressions may be used to specify key values.

Descriptions of table lookup functions is in Table Functions.