PlantWise Help

Defining Equipment Vicinity Routing Rules

You may wish to control routing near certain pieces of equipment to achieve a well organized routing pattern. Vicinity routing rules allow you to specify a preferential route for pipeline entering or exiting the equipment. The AutoRouter takes this description as a routing suggestion. However, obstacles or other considerations may override these preferred routes. The Equipment Vicinity Router routes are Bottom-Of-Pipe (BOP) routes.

Equipment Vicinity Routing Editor Window

To specify a new equipment vicinity routing rule:
  1. Select the desired equipment class from the Equipment Library List.
  2. Select Edit > Vicinity Rules to open the Equipment Language Editor. The dialog heading identifies the equipment type for which the vicinity routing rules are to be edited. If the parent type (the equipment type from which the current equipment class is a specialization) already has a vicinity routing rule, the Equipment Vicinity Language Editor opens with the vicinity routing rules of the parent type. This definition is said to be “inherited” from the parent type. The Definition Source field radio button indicates then that the definition is Inherited. If the parent type has no definition, then the window opens blank.
  3. Enter the equipment vicinity routing rules into the text field using the Equipment Vicinity Routing Language. As soon as a change or a new entry into the window is made, the Definition Source radio button selection indication changes to Local.
  4. To revert back to the inherited vicinity routing rule definition, check Inherited in the Definition Source field.
  5. Accept the vicinity routing rules.
  6. Close the Equipment Editor window. Discards any changes made in the Language Editor since the last Accept.