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Equipment Attributes

The following attributes of equipment may be used in defining all rules – geometry, nozzle placement, and vicinity routing. To reference these attributes, proceed them with equipment. (bold is added for clarity).

All user-settable attributes (length, width, height, diameter, etc.) can be referred to in a rule. Similarly, all mass property attributes can be referenced in a rule.

to_pipeway_level is a system-computed routing level that pipelines from all nozzles on this equipment can reach to travel to the pipeway.

pipeway_end is the pipeway at one end of the equipment; i.e., front or back? (true or false) + any equipment attribute defined especially for that class or its superclasses (e.g., diameter, length, width, height, stack_height, etc.)

dir_to_nearest_pipeway is the orthogonal direction to the pipeway centerline that is nearest the equipment’s placement point. This values of this attribute are: N, S, E, W, and NIL (if there is not a pipeway in the model).

direction is the orthogonal direction of the equipment’s orientation. If the equipment instance is placed at a non-orthogonal angle, the nearest orthogonal direction will be returned. This values of this attribute are: N, S, E, W, and NIL (if the equipment instance is not placed).

Already defined elements can be referred to as well. These attributes need to be prefaced with <element_name>.