PlantWise Menus and Commands
When PlantWise is started the Open Project dialog will be displayed. After choosing a project CAD will be finished loading when the PlantWise toolboxes are displayed. At this point only the Plant commands are valid until a new model is created or an existing model is opened using the PlantWise > Model menu.
Process Commands
The Process commands control the building of a logical plant object model in PlantWise.
Setting | Description |
Equipment List | Controls the input of equipment definitions (see The Nozzle List) . |
Nozzle List | controls the input of nozzle definitions . |
Note: The other options in
the menu:
Pipeline List,
Cable List,
Boundary List,
Inline List,
Connectivity, and
Check are documented in the
Model chapter.
Plant Commands
The Plant menu commands control the addition of geometric and location data to the logical plant model in the PlantWise:
Setting | Description |
Equipment | Opens The Equipment Editor. |
Nozzle | Opens Nozzle Editor. |
Pipeline | Opens Pipeline Editor. |
Cable | Opens Cable Editor. |
Boundary | Opens Boundary Editor. |
Inline | opens a sub menu with:
Obstacle | Opens Obstacle Builder. |
Pipeway | Opens Pipeway Builder. |
Routing Volumes | Opens Routing Volume Editor. |
Structure | Opens a sub menu with: