PlantWise Help

Table 2: Frozen Request Exception Messages

The AutoRouter is designed to treat user placement of components and pipelines as absolutes. However, at times, layout changes will make a user’s placement impossible, and that is when a Frozen Request exception is generated.

Category Message
Frozen Request The input location, <coordinate set>, for pressure safety valve entered by you is not in the correct form. It must be 3 numbers. If you allow the router to continue, it will attempt to calculate a location for this pressure safety valve.
Frozen Request The user-specified location is not equal to the final location determined by the router. Requested position: (<coordinate set>) Placed Position: (<coordinate set>)
Frozen Request Previously frozen <direct | pipeway> path is invalid, probably because either one endpoint moved or both endpoints moved by different amounts. Reverting to router calculated path.
Frozen Request Unable to place component at frozen location, defaulting to automatic placement