PlantWise Help

Misc Structural Member (ISM)

Element Attributes / Relationships Name Definition
misc_structural_member (ISM) attributes angle roll angle of the member
designation designation selected in the Structural Member Builder
dim_1 depth or diameter according to shape type
dim_2 width according to shape type
end coordinates for the end of the element
end-x x-ordinate of the end of the element
end-y y-ordinate of the end of the element
end-z z-ordinate of the end of the element
empty-cgx x-ordinate of the empty center of gravity
empty-cgy y-ordinate of the empty center of gravity
empty-cgz z-ordinate of the empty center of gravity
empty-mx empty X moment of inertia of the empty mass
empty-my empty Y moment of inertia of the empty mass
empty-mz empty Z moment of inertia of the empty mass
fireproof T for members with fireproofing; otherwise, nil
fluid-cgx x-ordinate of the contained fluid's center of gravity
fluid-cgy y-ordinate of the fluid center of gravity
fluid-cgz z-ordinate of the contained fluid's center of gravity
fluid-mx X moment of inertia of the contained fluid's mass
fluid-my Y moment of inertia of the contained fluid's mass
fluid-mz Z moment of inertia of the contained fluid's mass
fluid-weight weight of the contained fluid
length axial length of member
mass-type MEMBER
mass_display_name <mass-type> <component display_name>
material material selected in Structural Member Builder
operating-cgx x-ordinate of the total center of gravity
operating-cgy y-ordinate of the total center of gravity
operating-cgz z-ordinate of the total center of gravity
operating-mx total X moment of inertia
operating-my total Y moment of inertia
operating-mz total Z moment of inertia
operating-weight total weight
section-name name of the structure or pipeway section the member is attached to
start coordinates of the start of the element
start-x x-ordinate of the start of the element
start-y y-ordinate of the start of the element
start-z z-ordinate of the start of the element
structure-name name of the structure or pipeway the member is attached to
weight_per_length weight value in data table