PlantWise Help

Standard Nozzles

It is possible to memorize the size, location, name, and type of nozzle that are to be standard for a particular equipment class. The Project Setup variable, Create default Nozzles, controls the placement of Standard (a.k.a. Default or Memorized) nozzles.

After nozzles have been created and placed on an equipment instance, you can use the Memorize Nozzles from the Display menu of the Equipment Editor to save the nozzle configuration for that equipment class.

Memorize Standard nozzles

If you answer Yes to the prompt that asks,
Do you want to use the nozzles as placed on Equipment-Instance as
the default nozzles for all new instances of the Equipment Class?
the nozzle configuration will be saved to the equipment class in the library.
Note: You must save the library if you want the configuration to apply for all future models created in this project.

From this point forward, any time an instance of this equipment class is added to the model, the new instance will have the same number of nozzles, with the same size, and the same names.

You can then move, delete, or add more nozzles just as you would if the nozzles had been created manually.

Depending on how the nozzle placement rules are written, how the nozzles are positioned on the instance used as a template, and the size of newly placed instances, you may get error messages about the placement of nozzles on the new instance.

Note: It is up you to correct these errors. Usually it will just be a matter of executing the Auto Nozzle routine on the new instance.

If you need to change any of the memorized nozzles, you simply need to make the changes to an existing instance of the class and run the Memorize Nozzles function again.

To remove the standard nozzles from a particular class, simply choose the Edit > Remove Memorized Nozzles menu selection in the Equipment Class Editor for that class.

Remove Memorized Nozzles