PlantSight for OpenPlant Help

Sheet Validation

Sheet validation allows you to validate defined tags based on schema expressions. For example, the system visually identifies tags using icons, highlighting rows, and cell indicators in the following manner:
Status Icon Status Indicator Row Shading
Tags in Creation (none)
Modified/Updated tags Beige
Deleted tags Pink
Tags with Warnings Yellow

Tags in Creation

When you create a new tag, its row indicates that it is a newly created record, and its status icon changes to the Creation icon ( ). For example,

Modified/Updated Tags

When a tag has been edited and the changes are not yet saved, its row is highlighted and its status icon changes to the Updated icon ( ). For example,

Deleted Tags

When a tag is deleted, its row is highlighted in pink and its status icon changes to the Deleted icon ( ). For example,

Tags with Warnings

If a tag is created with error, its row is highlighted in yellow, the property in error is identified, and its status is indicated with the Warning icon ( ).

The following is an example of a tag with missing information:
The following is an example of a duplicate tag:
The following is an example of a tag with invalid data:
Error messages may also appear when entering invalid data, for example,