PlantSight Enterprise Help

To Create Imports for PDMS/S3D


  • PDMS/S3D in installed on the CONNECT Server and your access is configured.
  • XML files containing PDMS/S3D filters are available in the PlantSight Share.

Follow these steps to create imports for PDMS/3D.

  1. Open Data Acquisition.
  2. In the Acquisition panel, select Other Import.
  3. Select New (). The import wizard opens to the Select Source step.
  4. Select PDMS / S3D.
  5. Select a Controller.
  6. Select a Project, which is available in the selected controller.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Filter section, select a folder or individual XML files defining the filters.
    Note: To create multiple jobs, you can select multiple filters.
  9. Click Next. The wizard advances to the Mapping step. As PDMS/S3D doesn't require any mapping file, you can skip the Mapping step.
    Tip: For non-OpenPlant schema imports, you can use the mapping file to create functional data by using the EC-SQL Query configuration. See Mapping.jason Configuration.
  10. Click Next.
  11. In the Import Name field, enter a name.

    If you have selected only one filter, the default name is automatically taken as Import Name.


    If you have selected a filter group, you have to enter an Import Name.


    If you want to give the import another name, you can change the Import Name. You can update the Import Name afterwards as well.

  12. Optionally, define a schedule to keep the Digital Twin updated. In the Schedule section, you define a schedule for re-starting the import automatically. If you don't want to re-start the import automatically, select Manually.

  13. Click Create.

The import is created. The import appears in the imports list in Draft state. You can start this import later.

If you have scheduled the import, your schedule plan is displayed in the Schedule row of the import overview. The import runs according to the schedule. Scheduled imports can only start if the previous import state is Draft or Completed.