PlantSight Enterprise Help

Siemens Disclaimer and EULA

Third-Party Software Information

This product, solution or service ("Product") contains third-party software components listed in this document. These components are Open Source Software licensed under a license approved by the Open Source Initiative ( or similar licenses as determined by SIEMENS ("OSS") and/or commercial or freeware software components. With respect to the OSS components, the applicable OSS license conditions prevail over any other terms and conditions covering the Product. The OSS portions of this Product are provided royalty-free and can be used at no charge.

If SIEMENS has combined or linked certain components of the Product with/to OSS components licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2 or later as per the definition of the applicable license, and if use of the corresponding object file is not unrestricted ("LGPL Licensed Module", whereas the LGPL Licensed Module and the components that the LGPL Licensed Module is combined with or linked to is the "Combined Product"), the following additional rights apply, if the relevant LGPL license criteria are met: (i) you are entitled to modify the Combined Product for your own use, including but not limited to the right to modify the Combined Product to relink modified versions of the LGPL Licensed Module, and (ii) you may reverse-engineer the Combined Product, but only to debug your modifications. The modification right does not include the right to distribute such modifications and you shall maintain in confidence any information resulting from such reverse-engineering of a Combined Product.

Certain OSS licenses require SIEMENS to make source code available, for example, the GNU General Public License, the GNU Lesser General Public License and the Mozilla Public License. If such licenses are applicable and this Product is not shipped with the required source code, a copy of this source code can be obtained by anyone in receipt of this information during the period required by the applicable OSS licenses by contacting the following address:

  • Siemens AG
  • LC TE SL
  • Werner-von-Siemens Str. 60
  • 91052 Erlangen Germany
  • Keyword: Open Source Request (please specify Product name and version, if applicable)
  • SIEMENS may charge a handling fee of up to 5 EUR to fulfil the request.

Warranty regarding further use of the Open Source Software:

SIEMENS' warranty obligations are set forth in your agreement with SIEMENS. SIEMENS does not provide any warranty or technical support for this Product or any OSS components contained in it if they are modified or used in any manner not specified by SIEMENS. The license conditions listed below may contain disclaimers that apply between you and the respective licensor. For the avoidance of doubt, SIEMENS does not make any warranty commitment on behalf of or binding upon any third party licensor. Open Source Software and/or other third-party software contained in this Product. :


The following notes and conditions shall apply for Siemens Software which was provided to you.

For Resellers: In order to avoid infringements of the license conditions by the reseller or the buyer, these notes and conditions and accompanying data carrier – if applicable - have to be forwarded to the buyers.
This software is protected under Copyright Laws. Unauthorized usage of this software or parts of it may result in claims for damages and will be prosecuted according to criminal as well as civil law.

Note: This software may only be used by authorized users who have a valid license to use this software. Such a license can have been acquired by entering into a license agreement with a Siemens company or an authorized third party supplier. Please read the license terms and conditions contained in your license agreement carefully before installing and using this software.

The license agreement together with a receipt, invoice or other purchase documentation will serve as proof that you have a valid license to use this software. Please keep such proof of your valid license in order to be able to present it in case of doubt. Any use without such license or outside of the granted scope is explicitly prohibited. If you do not have a valid license, please stop using the software immediately and contact your Siemens Company or your local supplier in order to avoid claims for damages against you or your company.
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, solutions, machines, equipment and/or networks. They are important components in a holistic industrial security concept. With this in mind, Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development. Siemens recommends strongly that you regularly check for product updates.

Security information: For the secure operation of Siemens products and solutions, it is necessary to take suitable preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and integrate each component into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Third-party products that may be in use should also be considered. For more information about industrial security, visit

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