PlantSight Enterprise Help

Data Aggregation View - Layout and Settings

The Data Aggregation view shows a list of all imported objects of the previously selected acquisitions.

Tip: You can filter each column by hovering your cursor over a column header to display the filter icon (). Click the filter icon to reach the filter settings.
Be aware the information icon is available and that tooltips provides additional information.
Accept List Contains different actions for defining object tags.
Accept Opens for the selected objects the Accept tags window. There you proceed saving the Acquired Tag in your project. If the selected objects don't exist in your project yet, they will be created when you click Publish.
Reject Rejects the Acquired Tag. If the selected objects don't exist in your project yet, they will ignored when you click Publish.
Clear project tag Clears the Project tag field.
Reset to original state Data returns to its original state.
Revert Acquired Data modifications are set back to the original state.
Project Data

After moving imported objects into the Project Data, or merging imported objects with existing ones, the objects are removed from the import hierarchy. If a Plant Breakdown Structure is configured, the Project Data is also updated.

2D / 3D View Opens Data Visualizer on top of the Split View
List View Switches to Data Aggregation's List View
Merge Merges the selected object into Project Data. You can only merge a single selected object in the Source Structure and merge it to a single selected object in Project Data. For all other situations, this feature is disabled. Merge is also disabled if an object in the Source Structure is not a child object and is already marked as aggregated.
Reject Ignores items in the Acquired Data .
Revert In the Acquired Data, modifications are set back to the original state.
Properties Displays the attributes of a selected object.
Accept Moves a new object from the Acquired Data to the Project Data.
Match Tags Matches similar data sets automatically
Settings Choose which columns to show in the Acquired Data or the Project Data. Reset Default sets the Plant Breakdown Structure to the original state.
Publish Publishes the changes to the Project Data. The changes are visible for all users.
Save & Exit Saves the work status for your own user and closes the Split View. The import list appears. You can resume editing and publish later, when changes are complete.
Cancel Closes the Split View without saving.