PlantSight Enterprise Help

3D View

Using 3D View, you can create views that highlight certain classes of objects in the digital twin in different colors. Clicking expands the Viewer settings. For example,

Tip: You can select the default color for selected objects, in User Settings.
Search To search the list of Data Visualizations.
Create Creates a new visualization. Opens the Edit Data Visualization dialog where you can select information to include in the visualization. For example,
Name To enter a name for the visualization.
Class To select a class object for the visualization.
Property To select a property of the selected Class, for the visualization.
Generate Click to generate the data visualization.
Table columns Display, Label, Condition, and Color are the table headings. Label and Condition are read-only. Select or clear a Display column to hide or show that line item. In the Color column, select a color swatch to set the color of the line item.
Save Click this button to record the visualization then close the Edit Data Visualization dialog and return to the 3D View. The new data visualization appears on the list of saved data visualizations.
Cancel To discard changes and close Edit Data Visualization dialog.
Data Visualizations Use the Data Visualization panel to bring attention to specific view elements and to push others into the background or conceal them entirely.