PlantSight Administrator Help

Viewing Import Results

  1. Select a completed Excel Import or Model Import.
  2. Select the Result tab.

    If the import failed, there is no Result tab visible.

    A tree is shown, that contains the imported object structure.

  3. To view an object's properties, select the object and choose Properties from the list.

    The properties are shown in a table in read-only mode and you can see the imported attributes. If you have selected a re-import only the new imported objects are displayed.

  4. To view a selected object in the 2D View, choose 2D View from the list. If the selected object is placed on an 2D P&ID, the object is displayed zoomed and highlighted in the 2D drawing. You can use following functions which are also available in the Data Visualization:
    • Zoom
    • Ruler
    • Grid
    • Quadrants ruler
    • Print