PlantSight Administrator Help

Edit Projects

Used to edit Project information.

Note: All settings marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed before you can save the changes. Text fields have character limits, and are labeled accordingly.
Project Number Edits the project's identification number. The edited Project Number will subsequently be used throughout PlantSight when referring to this project.
Project Name Edits the project's name. The edited Project Name will subsequently be used throughout PlantSight when referring to this project.
Use Location When selected, the entered Engineering Location is used throughout PlantSight when referring to this project.
Use Latitude/Longitude When selected, the specified Latitude and Longitude are used throughout PlantSight when referring to this project.
Engineering Location Edits the project's location. The edited Engineering Location will subsequently be used throughout PlantSight when referring to this project.
Latitude/Longitude Edits the project's location. The edited Latitude and Longitude specification will subsequently be used throughout PlantSight when referring to this project.
Time Zone Changes the project's time zone. The selected Time Zone will subsequently be used throughout PlantSight when referring to this project.
Billing Country Changes the project's billing country. The selected Billing Country will subsequently be used throughout PlantSight when referring to this project.
Status Changes the status of the project to either Active or Inactive.
Allow External Team Members When on, members who are not part of the project team can be granted access to the project.
Enable for PlantSight When on, the project is listed in PlantSight.
Industry Edits the project's industry type. The edited Industry will subsequently be used throughout PlantSight when referring to this project.
Tag Specification When on, Enable Team Member Management
Save Saves changes, and closes the dialog.
Cancel Discards changes, and closes the dialog.