PlantSight Administrator Help

Creating Tagging Rules

To proceed, you must have opened an aspect. The tagging rule table is shown.

  1. To edit a present rule, click the pen icon of the rule.
  2. To add a new rule, click Add Rule.

    This row is shown in edit mode.

  3. Select a class in the Asset Classes column by either:

    typing the class name into the field.


    clicking Select to find a class in the classes hierarchy.

  4. In the Class Tag Format column, enter how the tag of this specific class must be built up.

    You can either enter fix values that stay the same in every tag of this class or have values calculated.

    The Class tag Format can consist of three parts:
    • alphabetic values
    • optional: '-' character
    • numeric values

    Following characters are supported in Class tag Formats:

    A-Z, a-z alphabetic values

    Are always the first part of a class tag format.

    - separator

    Can be used between alphabetic characters and numbers.

    0-9 numeric values

    Which characters you enter does not matter, only the number of characters. The number of characters you put in brackets defines the number of characters your counter will have in the resulting tags.

    You can create calculations for numeric values that are automatically counted up.
    < opens a calculation

    Only applicable to numeric values.

    > closes a calculation

    Only applicable to numeric values.


    Class Tag format Resulting tags
    P-<999> P-001, ..., P-998, P-999
    N<55> N01, ..., N99
  5. To create a concatenated tag, click Select in the Concatenated Tag column.

    The window Create Concatenated Tag opens. By default the concatenated tag contains the current class tag. This means, whenever an object based on this class is created in PlantSight, the Class Tag Format you entered will be applied. The resulting class tag is assigned to the object.

    You can add following components to your class tag:
    • delimiters
    • other object's class tag
    • relationships
  6. To add a delimiter, select the delimiter from the list.
  7. Click Add Before or Add After.

    The delimiter is added before or after the class. The newly added delimiter is selected in the concatenated tag.

  8. To add a class, select a class from the Classes list.
    Note: Classes added to a concatenated tag without having a relationship specified between them, are assumed to be connected with each other by a parent or child relationship.
    Objects connected with the current object by a parent or child relationship don't need to have any relationship specified.
  9. Click Add Before or Add After.

    The class is added before or after the previously selected element. The newly added class is selected in the concatenated tag.

  10. To add a class connected by another relationship than parent or child, select a relationship.
  11. Place the relationship after the class it refers to. You can have delimiters inbetween.
  12. Select the class, the relationship refers to.

    Example: Pump.PumpHasNozzle.Nozzle

Concatenated Tags are resolved when an object based on the selected class is saved in the application. For example when users aggregate an object of the class Tank with conical roof and flat bottom, the software checks whether the other classes given in the Concatenated Tag can be found in the object's hierarchy.

The resulting tag will be the following:


Deleting Rules

  1. To delete a rule, click ... > Delete while not in edit mode or click the bin icon while in the edit mode.
  2. To restore a deleted rule, click the resore button while in the edit mode.