PlantSight Administrator Help

Known Issues

Excel import configurations do not support min/max values

When creating configurations, do not use min/max values in mapping tables. These vaue types are not supported.

Running multiple 3D imports simultaneously causes 'Server Busy' error

When you start a 3D import while another 3D import started by you in any project has the status 'Running', you will get a 'Server Busy' error. The newly started import will fail.

To solve the issue, the Controller you chose in the import details of the failed import(s) needs to be restarted.

Clicking on loading object in Data Aggregation causes error

When you expand a node in the Source Structure in Data Aggregation, the objects below are loaded. While not fully loaded, you will see 'Loading...' instead of the object's name.

Do not click on a loading object. If you do so, you will not be able to proceed your work.

To solve the issue, you need to re-open Data Aggregation.

Rule for creation of users

PlantSight does not support first and last names which have more than 49 characters including space characters.