Operational Analytics Help

Using the Copy Widget Screen

Select the destination dashboard in the list, it will be highlighted in the list and its name noted next to the “Copy this widget to selected dashboard”

Click the copy button to perform the action. On completion a success message will be shown and the user returned to editing on their source dashboard. The new widget will be placed on the first column of the first clear row at the end of the dashboard. It will not try and fit itself in any earlier space on the dashboard. It is placed at the end. It will contain configuration that matches its source widget (and if requested) will also be linked to the same points as the source widget.

Clicking “Close” on the popup screen will simply close the popup window without performing any copy.

If I have a dashboard as below and use the copy widget ability to copy/clone this widget to the same dashboard.

After the operation, the dashboard will look like:

With the copied widget shown at the bottom first clear row at the end of the dashboard with its configuration (and points) replicated to the newly created widget.