Operational Analytics Help

Workflow Alarms

Last updated: November 26, 2018

Existing Operational Analytics Alarms permit 5 global levels (3 greater than conditions 2 less than conditions) of alarm per point.

The event alarms are a supplement to the existing Operational Analytics alarming that in overview

  • Enables users to make multiple independent alarm conditions on a point, with their own alarm levels (>, >=, =, <=, <), purpose and notifications, regardless of what other users define on the point. In short, more than 5 global alarm levels per point.
  • Allow users to define hours of notification where they will receive alerts (via email or SMS). The alarm event continues to be generated in the event alarm list but email and SMS alerts are suppressed for the contacts out of hours.
  • Have the ability to have a hierarchy (priority) defined against them so that alarm notification can be filtered to only send the most important alarms via email at a time when multiple alarms on a monitored point may be occurring in order not to drown emails with low priority alarms when something more important is occurring.
  • Alarms of same type are grouped together into one email so that if new data has come into the system that would generate 100 email alerts at once, these are grouped into notification by one summary email that multiple alarm conditions on the point have occurred.
  • Ability to automatically, or manually, sleep an alarm trigger for a period of time after it has raised an alarms