Operational Analytics Help

Calculator Treeview and Selection Options

When right clicking on a calculated point from the tree view or the selection tool, there are options which can find related calculations as well as the points used with the calculation itself.

  • Options from Tree View
  • Option from Selection Tool

Find Subsequent Cals

As some calculations can reference other calculations within the system, they can become quite large with an extensive list of other associated calculations, points etc. This option will find any related calculations and add them to the selection area, helping to keep all the relating points together if making any changes or amendments.

This can be achieved in either the treeview or the selection window itself.

  1. Right-click on the calculation in either the treeview or a calculation point that is in the selection area.
  2. Clicking the Find Subsequent Calcs option will display associated calculations in the selection window that are used within the original calculation.

Find Input Params

Similarly, selecting a calculator parameter and clicking Find Input Parmas will find and display all points used that are not calculated parameters to make up the calculation.

Find All Input Params

Selecting a calculator parameter and clicking Find All Params will display all calculation parameters and all points associated with the original calculation point selected (including all of the points associated with related calculations.

View Linked Calculations

Once calculation parameter has been opened in the Calculation Designer, any associated calculations that are used within it can be accessed easily by clicking on the Point ID link.

This will then drill down to that calculation and the points that make it contains.

At the bottom of the Calculation Designer is a History log which tracks what points have been accessed, allowing the user to jump back to the original one and go forward and back.

Pressing the red X icon will clear the history.