OpenTunnel Designer Help

Edit Item Dialog

Used to manage properties of item type/s associated with an element (including cells).

You can access this tool from the contextual menu that is displayed on right-clicking on an element with Item Type attached.
Note: For parametric cells, Edit Item option will show in the right-click contextual menu only if item type is attached directly to the cell after placement. If Item Type is attached to the cell or its variations in the cell library, this option will not show in the contextual menu after placement."

Item Shows the list of item types attached to the selected element.
Show Allows you to select an option from the following:
  • All - Displays all the item type properties.
  • Value assigned only - Displays only those item type properties that have values associated with them.
Search Allows you to search for specific properties to display.
(Technology Preview) Show/Hide All Properties As Text Allows you to Show or Hide all Properties as Text.
Group Displays the name of the item type and it's property definitions. You can edit item type properties here.
Text Style Allows you to add a Text Style from the drop-down menu.
Update Based on the function, displays one of the following:
  • Update - Saves any changes made to the item type properties.
  • Place Field - Places the field and saves any changes made to the item type properties.
  • Update and Place Field - Updates and places the field.
Cancel Exits the dialog without saving any changes made.
Note: (Technology Preview) You can edit the value of text driven by Item Type property in the Edit Item Dialog. The dialog opens when you double click on the Text Field associated with an Item type. You can also view and edit the Item Type Text in the Edit Item dialog available in the Attach Item Dialog properties section.